The Liability of No Integrity - How Steven Hatfield and Bret Gordon Tried (and Failed) to Steal a Lineage (Part One)
After a long year of silence, watching and waiting I'm back. And you know what? To me the wait was worth it. I was able to meet and speak to a lot of great people and learn quite a lot about things I never knew regarding the Korean arts. One could almost say I have become sort of historian of sorts regarding the history of Jidokwan and other systems I've never trained in. However as we all know that can apply to a lot of people both without....and Asian connection. Who was I watching you ask? Why everyone's favorite dynamic duo. "Kaiso" Bret Gordon and "Kaiso" Steven Hatfield. With all the information that spewed just from Gordon's blog and social media I suspect he gained quite a bit of confidence in filing a lawsuit and coming for the big, bad Gerald and Lordus. Aptly he even called out Dr. Dale Dugas as you all well know claiming he was yours truly and also Lordus.....and like twelve other people. Lordus summed it up nicely...