How Frank Dux Inserted Himself into Martial Arts History (part one)

Karate in the 1960's was a different ballgame than it was today. Sure, there was point fighting matches but in those days the practitioners were usually former military men who trained in Japan or Korea enduring the same hardships as the students there even if for only a shorter amount of time.

Martial arts were taking the world by storm. And it was at the close of the decade when Victor Moore would face off against Mike Stone in Pasadena, California in 1969 and win the light-heavyweight championship in that match. Stone was coming off of a record 91-0 record against opponents. Moore was able to win the match and history records this part as true.

Victor Moore

There is another side to the story that a lot of people have been hearing a lot about over the last many years, though. It seems that was the same day a young, gangly thirteen-year old whiz kid who trained watching through the windows of other martial arts instructors would make his presence known.

Frank Dux, the future founder of Dux Ryu Ninjutsu would allegedly meet and challenge Moore to either a sparring match or a fight there after the match with Stone. Accounts on that part seem to vary as much as many of the details of Dux's entire training resume. But what is certain is that Dux claims he would emerge victorious against Moore and both he and Lawrence Day would then induct the young man into the Black Dragon Fighting Society as the youngest member in history ever. This would lay the groundwork for Frank Dux that he was an original student of John Keehan, the man known as Count Dante.

This would be one of many stories I have found along the way which prove Dux has attempted (and in some cases succeeded) in inserting himself into various legacies across the martial arts community over the decades. It would be with Moore however that his story seems to have a functional beginning. And I personally think it's time to set the record straight that this alleged match never took place. 

And I have the proof to the story for you, dear readers. 

Let us talk about....

How Frank Dux Inserted 

Himself Into Martial Arts History 

(Part One)

By Gerald J. Greysmith

Inserting Himself Where He Didn't Belong

Frank Dux remains an enigma in the martial arts. He has no verifiable training that can be found. Even the former students of Jack Seki stated that they don't remember him ever having been there. I've heard tales of him being a practitioner of Tae Kwon Do at some point. His stories of greatness in the CIA are also proven to be falsified. His military records themselves show he was in the Marine Corps Reserves for a number of years, but never a special agent of any kind. It was ironically the Marine Corps medical staff who would ultimately diagnose Dux as having "flights of fancy." Recent interviews and statements on social media show he hasn't changed a whole lot, either. Viking Samurai has been hosting various people on his own show who have stated outright that they never fought Frank despite his claims on another episode to have done so.

A request of Dux's military records shows that he served bravely as a wireman in
the United States Marine Corps Reserves. He didn't serve as a Captain as he said
in Bloodsport, but as a Lance Corporal. He entered in Los Angeles, CA, and
was separated in Kansas City, MO. No records of Hong Kong, the Phillipines, nothing.

Even his book "The Secret Man" was yanked from store shelves under threat of litigation if it wasn't removed and amended.

Dux has also claimed his upper-middle class parents were so poor they couldn't afford for him to have lessons in martial arts, yet witnesses said while in the presence of he and his mother whenever he would spin one of his stories she would just hang her head or roll her eyes at him. Even she knew he was telling fibs. 

What is known is that in the early part of the 2000's Dux's popularity was on the decline. A failed lawsuit against Jean Claude Van Damme coupled with several media outlets debunking his many claims in the military and martial arts led him to almost obscurity. Yes, Bloodsport was and always will be a popular film but Dux himself wasn't able to substantiate the claims anymore. So what was he going to do?

Well he began networking. For example in one scenario Dux and Bryce Dallas were in talks to forge an alliance and merge their respective systems. Dallas and Dux were friends and this is confirmed by former students who were present when the men were talking. Dallas even made a trip to California to meet Dux at one point years ago and allegedly pictures exist of this meeting between the two men. This continued up until 2008 when Cayce Lancaster exposed Dallas' lies of living in Japan to the world with high school photos and records proving Dallas never left the area of West, Mississippi and East Holmes Academy. 

Dallas was now useless to Dux. 

Bryce Dallas and Insei Saija/Hasaka Yutashi/Senzo Tanaka (pick one) 
in Spring 2006 during his one and only trip to Japan. This was financed
with an insurance fire of one of his students' mother's home according
to those who were members at the time.

So Dux moved on.

As pointed out in a previous article Dux then officially became a member of the Black Dragon Fighting Society in 2008 per Stoffel Van Vuuren, emailing members of the circle-jerk in October of the that year. Together it appears they decided to insert Dux into the legacy and history of Keehan/Dante, the organization itself, and each one of them would collaborate to help give the story an air of authenticity and for the sake of a documentary.

The email from Stoffel Van Vuuren, head of the BDFS in South Africa, stating implicitly that Dux had officially become a BDFS member in 2008, though Dux and others would claim later that he became a member in 1969 after a match against Victor Moore.

Using their collective brain power the story for Dux's entry in the annals of the BDFS begins in 1969 officially from their own statements. Ashida Kim's own website seems to begin the story in 2009....a full year almost after that email was shown. The actual earliest mention I can find at this point through their websites is one from Ashida Kim in 2009, the "Emerald Coast Seminar." Nothing prior to this shows much involvement on Dux's part to be in the BDFS or around the members. 

Dux and Van Vuuren, 2009

According to Konigun students who were present for his and Dallas' conversations Dux in the early 2000's wasn't too fond of the BDFS. He was quoted as having said they were "pretenders." 

Why join them then?

Concocting History

I think the reason Dux most likely joined the BDFS was out of necessity. Here he had a group of people willing to help collaborate and support his own story and anchor themselves to him. At this point it is well-known that many of them went around to former members of Keehan's dojo and began collecting stories. Some of these happened when Dux was in school at the time and no records show him in Chicago in the vicinity of Keehan at all. No witnesses remember him, either. But in order to obtain legitimacy he would have to sound legitimate. And to sound legitimate Dux would need stories from those who were there. 

In one story given to me by witnesses Dux and his student Sky Benson would take advantage of Lawrence Day. Day by this time was very sick and suffering from what his students said was most likely dementia. According to witnesses at an event for the BDFS members Dux and Benson took Day aside and filmed him being asked several questions. 


Screenshots from a chat I had with one of Day's former students who was present and saw Sky Benson and Frank Dux take Lawrence Day aside and ask questions pertaining to the past. The person in question has asked to remain anonymous at this time however this isn't the only person I have spoken with regarding this matter.

And so as with every great story you simply MUST have a beginning. Attaching himself to various stories of members of the BDFS is fine and dandy. But you have to have a start point. And as I said it all begins with Victor Moore.

Interview with Victor Moore

In a recorded call with Victor Moore I was able to ask questions regarding his alleged match with Frank Dux. According to Moore these events never happened as Dux claimed them. As a matter of fact it turns out Dux was not even there at the tournament where Moore and Mike Stone faced one another. 

Victor Moore interview, August 2022

"I'm not trying to bring Frank down, he was never up." Strong words from Moore regarding Frank Dux.

So....Frank and Moore didn't meet in 1969 as claimed? I'd argue this is quite a chunk out of Dux's story so far. And if he attempted to get Moore to tell him information back in 2009 at the BDFS Gatherig in Nashville, TN, this would fit the pattern of behavior he has shown with regards to Lawrence Day and others. Now while Day had his own issues with these matters it still doesn't give anyone the right to take advantage of him....or anyone else.

History As It Is

I guess it is safe to assume at this point that there exists not one story Frank Dux has said in recent years that can be backed by evidence to support it. However there IS proof that the stories didn't happen. From the claims of training with Keehan as a child, to sparring/fighting with Victor Moore as a teenager, to being an original member of the BDFS (it's youngest member no less!) none of these statements over the years are adding up.

Lawrence Day

They have attached themselves to Keehan through lies and manipulation of the facts as taken from older members such as Lawrence Day. Day isn't here anymore to refute their claims with regards to him and so we must rely on students or associates of him to debunk those stories. 

They attempted to do it with Sam Lonewolf, however luckily his own family was more than willing to step in and say something about that matter (as you all have seen.) Samantha herself has a blog dedicated to this matter and is seeking to bring the truth of the matter out. Dux would even attempt to claim a friendship with Lonewolf to me on Twitter. Emails exist however that show Lonewolf thought very little of Dux and his claims. These were made available to me after he made the following statement:

Dux has since blocked me on Twitter.

As for now Frank has blocked me on all social media platforms save one profile on Facebook he keeps. This would be his personal one. He has yet to answer any questions I have posed to him online and his stories seem to be falling apart faster than a Lego set in a tornado. But I assume he will persist with this. Dux's entire life hinges on these claims which now span back to his childhood. If these claims don't hold water then what does the claims that Keehan and Dux trained under Senzo Tanaka do under this stress? So far no evidence has come out that shows Dux ever knew a man by that name. The only "evidence" one can find of the man is offered by Dux himself. Allegedly he presented this photograph as a picture of himself training with the alleged man known as Tanaka sometime in recent years:


The picture above looks suspiciously like Jigoro a matter of fact research shows that this was indeed....Jigoro Kano....not Senzo Tanaka. 

So Senzo Tanaka founded Judo, huh?

This is the kind of stupidity that ruins movies. I beg the Black Dragon Fighting Society at this point to get smarter about claims. As it stands there isn't anything any of you have collaborated on which helps prove Dux was an original member of the BDFS. 

It seems to me that every one of you lied to cover for Dux in order to appropriate the histories of elderly and deceased martial artists. I can scarcely wait to see what the next spin you all offer is.

Maybe you can get photos of Gichin Funakoshi and say he was a ninja master?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just for the record, Elvis was never a student of Mike Stone. If anything Elvis hated Stone re: his affair with Pricilla. Elvis was always aligned with Ed Parker and in a small way with Bill Wallace although I don't think Wallace actually taught Elvis. Just a training partner with Kang Rhee's dojang.
    Also, if Vic Moore said the fight with Dux never happened then why is it I read that he was quoted in some interview of saying a teenage Dux was the only person he couldn't beat??? (Beyond Blood sport production)
    I'm getting a little Kung-fused here......

    1. Apparently Dux and gang cornered him in 2009 at a BDFS meet and greet at a Denny's and convinced him it was either good PR or for that stupid "Put Up Your Dux" documentary. I only released a portion of the interview which is over an hour long.

  3. OMG... This is all you turds have got... gossip shit from the anonymous ones again.. STOP IT MAN... you are making all martial arts look like cry babies and sissies right here. Go to a Dux movie buy some popcorn and have a hoot like everybody else in the world. DUMB FUCKS..

  4. Hey... I seen a comment on Frank Duxs' Facebook page with 4,600 friends thereon. Whew..! He really tore your asses up for what all you do behind freak masks in the name of MMA everywhere. Now that your one and only live paramore, Doctor Bearded Mantis Dugas' attorney quit post haste, the Judge sanctioned Dugas for "spoilage of evidences" i.e. Greysmith & Loudus Sapiens vigilante groups. Not an individual person with a real name or location. Cyber-Ghosts are right here.

    Ha, ha, ha, ha ! Where are your concerned citizens' comments hereon. NONE.. There is your sign. BUT hey... that One Eyed Jack out in Hollywood you know.. "Bloodsport" he has a whole lot to say about you and yours... but you never blog about it... LIKE it is invisible and couldn't comment..

    FRANK DUX QUOTE: Why do I want little to nothing to do with the American martial arts industry? The answer is an observable uncomfortable truth. I am the target of defamation, a conspiracy composed of a conversion of self interest where the conspirators don’t have to ever meet.
    The martial arts industry in America is a crab cage composed of a bunch of vigilantes and gossip mongers - led by organized criminals and their associates. One calling himself the Godfather in the Mafia sense of the word. Where people pander to and swear to his lies and turn a blind eye to the exploitation of the industry.
    Free to do so with it being unregulated.
    Otherwise, it would not be possible to have large events where criminals launder money while at same time profit from feeding insatiable egos. The selling of undeserved honors, titles, awards and colored belts.
    That is when their gang is not click baiting and profiting at the expense of others hard earned reputation. Tearing down the real leaders or anyone who threatens their power and false narrative.
    They exploit the fact the defamation of another being prosecutable is a total sham! It’s absolutely lawlessness!

    The internet laws have made it near impossible. Out of reach for people who cannot afford the high cost of protracted litigation or find a judge willing to deal with it. Why it is you can’t find attorneys in some states even willing to entertain taking on a lawsuit of defamation.
    Most judges want nothing to do with these cases because Facebook and other platforms own all the content that is put up on their pages. That technicality insulates the offenders from prosecution and content providers are exempt from prosecution under the law.
    It’s a catch 22! The public is kept in ignorance about.

    Apparently, the next evolution when lawlessness exists is violence.
    We already are seeing it in form of cyberbully suicides, depression and manifesting in victims as substance addiction.
    It’s only a matter of time before a gang of vigilantes start killing the accused-or did it happen already? With cyber deaths allegedly staged to look like suicides? Boasted about in chat room forums.
    We already see livelihoods destroyed by people snatching up website domain names of their competitors by forming bogus LLCs in name of the sites or arts and then getting host companies to take their competitors websites down.
    This used to be a community professing and standing for earning and honoring rank by the practice of humility and respect for others and self.
    It is anything but that now thanks to the rabid commercialism of martial arts. And vigilante groups in control of the narrative. Especially, on open source websites like Wikipedia. UNQUOTE.

    1. And here is another post by the infamously incompetent LRP41, or as we all lovingly know him....#fakeranger.

    2. Fake Ranger huh ? WoW... I have medals for valor in combat and combat infantry badge, air assault badge, air medal, with airborne jump wings/jump pay and a black ranger beret all with orders of the two famous U.S. Army Airborne Ranger Companies I served with. I KNOW, YOU KNOW, I am still active with the real deal airborne rangers' special forces round canopy parachuting team, right.? Come see me featured at the National Warbird Museum air show parachuting from a WWII C-47 war bird. YOU will have to pay an admission to watch me.

      Now where did you get your bogus misinformation.?

    3. Court documents for one. Another was verified sources who further verified your unit was changed to Ranger status as a unit, but you? You've never been certified as a Ranger or Special Forces. Your military history used to be solid. Now it's a joke. You just assumed it was your right to tab up, huh? Old Ranger Joe over here....😂😂😂😂

      I mean Dallas I can always make it public if you'd like. Shall I?

    4. Hey Girly Boy ? Did you write I tabbed up..? Do you have some evidence of that..? Please show me something. Or you are now very liable.

      I told you (troll) before. You are not listening. Get this right. I don't know anybody in the martial arts business anywhere, ever. I am a 74 year old who's name is on the Ranger Walk of Fame on Ft. Benning and while I still parachute with all special forces trained team members to this very day. Go get a life as exciting as mine otherwise I don't care about your rantings since I am merely on observer of life and "you are a troll".

      By the way, I have got a couple different Central Florida air shows coming up in October. Nobody there cares about the special forces anything, neither do I. Now what ? See how stupid you really are ?


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