Simply Magic:

My Encounter with David Richardson

Part One

By Gerald Greysmith

David Richardson, also known as Majikill on Youtube and other forums. Richardson makes vast claims which lack validity and has been found to possibly be involved in the doxing of online detractors.

Over the years I have been personally attacked, even physically threatened on one occasion by a fraud. Their intention was quite clear. To silence Gerald Greysmith. Unfortunately as it turns out for them they couldn’t find me and, with that said, were never able to silence me.
But one thing I will never do is level an accusation against someone without first verifying it and also finding evidence to support my conclusions. I’m a social worker. I’ve been an investigator for the State before in my previous life before I became who I am today. And in the era of #metoo and #believeallaccusers people can often meet nasty ends to their personal lives, professional lives and the like with simple and unverified complaints leveled at them from afar by detractors who want to make short work of those that would dare stand against them.

It was in September of 2019 when David Richardson came to my attention. He was making unsubstantiated claims against Don Roley, a Bujinkan instructor and investigator of frauds in the martial arts by saying he was responsible for the death of several others Roley had investigated in the past. These included Dan Harmon, David Dantontio, and my then-subject of interest, Shidoshi Bryce Dallas of Konigun Ninjutsu.

Now, what alarmed me wasn’t that Richardson was making these 
claims. It was more that he had to have seen my article series I had put out on the man and his art. I was just weeks away from completing the final articles on the life of Dallas (see “The Legend Ends” on our blog dedicated to Konigun Ninjutsu) and here was this man, a veritable unknown calling out the larger community of fraud busters claiming Dallas was murdered by Roley.


Originally I had talked to Richardson and he agreed to redact his statements. However I informed him then if he doxed or bothered anyone else, I would call him out. This is a screenshot from the Facebook Group, “Bullshit Martial Arts” where I kept my word. Richardson has not ceased his constant attacks on others in the community, it seems. I have also screenshot all of the missed called I had over social media from him as well that took place in September 2019.

It is a fact that Dallas died in December of 2010. But he was not murdered. He was a victim of his own lifestyle and health issues which had plagued him for years. Dallas had sepsis, massive blood poisoning by all accounts of those who at one time lived with him and finally he was beset with breathing issues. My phone conversations with Dallas show this to be a common factor in his health as he was constantly struggling to breathe at times. But for Roley to be accused of murdering Dallas was, well, an outright lie and one which I believe Richardson is using to further his own agenda against Roley and other members of the martial arts community who are personally tired of him making what appears to be a consistent mockery of solid training.

Even more disheartening is that Mr. Richardson makes his claims about the late "shidoshi" of Konigun Ninjutsu and the pain his victims have gone through. As of 1/11/20, the night before I began writing this article he sent me a clear message dictating his intentions:

Richardson obviously had me confused with Dallas, I’m not fat. #huskyforlife

I am going to assume he is going to be posting all over Youtube, Instagram and Facebook as folks like him tend to do. They are simply there for the attention that such antics bring to them and their constant con-game. But claiming something that didn’t happen is not going to cut it with me. Even with regards to Dallas himself if I couldn’t find evidence of something he allegedly did I didn’t write about it. Allegations are not proof. And Richardson should stop while he’s ahead on this series of claims. This is simply the start of an expose I promised him on September 14th, 2019 that I guess he didn’t listen to.

Rather, maybe he thought I wasn’t a man of my word?

David Richardson – The Magician

Richardson, who has the stage name of Dorian the Magician is by trade a “doorman” as he informed the website Martial Force (link to full interview in the citations.) From the interview:

A former Marine, he comes from what appears to be an established background. I’ve seen his videos of his magic act and to be quite honest he is very talented. One video, dated from a 2002 taping of the Magic Johnson show he uses finesse and even style to appear to “woo” a starlet. Using a combination of magic and comedy one can’t help but laugh at some of the antics and dialogue he has and the passion he displays for his craft.

But what about martial arts? Where did Richardson seem to get involved in that? According to the same interview Richardson started training in the Bujinkan in Japan in 1997 and upon returning to his hometown of Los Angeles he found training with David Dow, a local instructor in that area. He states he received his shodan (1st degree black belt) in 2005.

Richardson, allegedly training in the Bujinkan as a kyu grade noted by the green belt he wears on his waist. This seems to verify he was training at some point with Mr. Dow. (photo courtesy of Lordus Sapiens' blog)

But what about BEFORE Japan in 1997, and before he was a student of the Bujinkan? Did Richardson have previous training?

Yes, he did. 

He was a student of one of Frank Dux’s original students by the name of Michael Cairnes.

Yes. That Frank Dux.

In a long and lengthy declaration to the Dux Ryu (which is will not
load on the page but we have provided to you, the reader below) he calls out what seems to be rampant fraud in the Dux Ryu system against him with regards to his then-Kenjutsu teacher Shihan Cairnes.

This seems to be a turning point here for Richardson as he founded his own system (by his own admission, see above) of American Ninjitsu Warrior Concepts. And according to Lessons, a site listing trainers and other educators in various fields he still maintains a profile there displaying this information.

And so the puzzle began here. Was he a member of the Bujinkan or was he a founder of his own system based on legitimate training? Was he still associated with Frank Dux? Had he merely outed Dux’s student Cairnes?

Whatever it was, the story itself was about to take a much darker and more sinister turn that seems to include unverified claims, anti-semetic language and remarks and finally alleged racism on the part of Richardson towards anyone who dared to disagree with his rants and not share his unique views.

As taken from Richardson’s Facebook Page.

Assessment So Far - Connections to Other Known Frauds

Don Roley, a senior admin on the Facebook page "Bullshit Martial Arts,"  recently filed a police report against one of Richardson's associates by the name of Dallas Wittgenfeld . They have made what appears to be a threat on the life of Roley on social media and with what we have seen happen with many of these subjects over the years it is better that we have evidence should things turn ugly. Roley has already been confronted in the past by Ron Collins. With this new development of recent days it is essential that the remarks be taken seriously. We do not want another repeat of Michael Reese, aka Archangel. 

Wettgenfeld's mugshot from a prior arrest.

Wettgenfeld himself has a history of fraud to include stolen valor and even rumored among some circles to be much more than . It is associates such as these that make me question further the validity of anything which Mr. Richardson has to say. He has also alleged in posts that Frank Dux, the head of Dux Ryu Ninjutsu himself attempted to get him perform violence against others in the past. Since he is a magician by trade and with that his nature will be to keep you wondering what is coming next. Through this he considers himself, in essence, a true ninja warrior. Those of us in the know will be able to see the essence of his tricks. But there are unsuspecting students out there who deserve to have real and legitimate teachers to train them. People like Richardson are, so far, without the integrity it would seem to do so. 

1)      Interview with David Richardson – Martial Force Magazine -
2)      Martial Arts Frauds and Fakes – Lordus Sapients – David Richardson is accused of Plagiarism -
3)      Official Frank Dux Website – Declaration of David Richardson -
4)      David Richardson’s Profile on Lessons – Information about his class -
5)      In Case Bodhi Thought I Forgot – Lordus Sapiens -


  1. Hey Greysmith or is it Graysmith, the imaginary investigator... jack shit...
    MAN, you just left yourself WIDE-OPEN for liable shit all over the place.
    ABOVE QUOTE: "fraud to include stolen valor" unquote. STOLEN VAOR..?

    Then why aren't I in jail. Answer the question or shut the fuck up and do your due diligence or pay the price to me.

    I am real. And I will come visit you if you are incorrect. Got that picture.?
    Don Roley is a mouth-boxer and all around pussy. But calling the police on me..? Is quite a reach, huh.

    Did the local police tell Roley he is out of his mind also, and quit harassing and dishonoring the combat wounded elderly Vietnam War Veterans of the elite special forces Army Airborne Ranger LRRPs in 1968-72..? 73 years old? Roley ?

    You ever mentioned my two purple hearts decorated for valor in combat when I WAS 21 AND 22. Shame on you dumb asses.

    Now when Ol' Bearded Mantis Kung Fu Dale Dugas goes makes his debut at the lawsuit slaughter house .. the plaintiffs will be handing out deposition orders for MMA blogger Greysmith associate and MMA blogger Sapiens associate. POOF, there goes your real identity forever.... no tricking the Judge will be allowed, right..? Right.

    1. Oh no....I'm so scared. I mean obviously you're a man of means Dallas. How else do you afford to buy enough booze to basically pay the salaries of those hard-working men and women at the brewery? You still using your wife's Facebook account to stalk people? Carmen may not appreciate that, ya know?

      Bless your heart you're really just like the high school quarterback who can't let go of his four touchdowns against the rival school in the championship game their senior year. That's what you sound like ringing off your military valor everytime we speak. I hate to tell you this but that's all overshadowed by how you harass, dox, cyberstalk and attempt to intimidate others Thunder Cluckin'. I guess when Dale deposes you for that lawsuit that's underway (sorry I have to laugh everytime I say that because Bret so tries to sound important and smart legal wise) you'll be happy to come tell the judge I'm 123 people.


      Try sobriety Dallas. I promise you it's not as bad as it looks. Lord help you if you ever wind up in a dry county somewhere. You wouldn't know what to do.

    2. Hey! Maybe you can tell them I'm Cayce Lancaster! It seemed to work so well for your buddy McKinley and his pal Duvall! They're being sued by Cayce. And if I'm not mistaken you're being deposed on that one, too.

      You really are amassing quite the record aren't you? Send my regards to Dux. You did threaten me with him via email after all.

  2. Ha, ha, ha, ha... How is Dugas doing on the lawsuit he is a defendant in along with your name too.. Dugas hired a local police officer and attorney to defend himself. Sounds like a good plan... but the Sheriff gone attorney says, "Oh, Hell No Doogie. I quit." How fucking funny is that... Did you dumbasses convince him to go Per se..? WoW. Then the Lake County, Florida Judge sanctioned Dale Brian Dugas for stupidity and "spoilage of evidence".. He admitted it.. THAT WOULD BE YOUR IDENTITY and somebody else who wears a monkey mask to hide his MMA identity. Sounds crazy, doesn't it.

    Ha, ha, ha, ha ! Where are your concerned citizens' comments hereon. NONE.. There is your sign. BUT hey... that One Eyed Jack out in Hollywood you know.. "Bloodsport" guy has a whole lot to say about you and yours... but you never blog about it... LIKE it is invisible and couldn't comment on yourselves.

    FRANK DUX QUOTE: Why do I want little to nothing to do with the American martial arts industry? The answer is an observable uncomfortable truth. I am the target of defamation, a conspiracy composed of a conversion of self interest where the conspirators don’t have to ever meet.
    The martial arts industry in America is a crab cage composed of a bunch of vigilantes and gossip mongers - led by organized criminals and their associates. One calling himself the Godfather in the Mafia sense of the word. Where people pander to and swear to his lies and turn a blind eye to the exploitation of the industry. Free to do so with it being unregulated.
    Otherwise, it would not be possible to have large events where criminals launder money while at same time profit from feeding insatiable egos. The selling of undeserved honors, titles, awards and colored belts.

    That is when their gang is not click baiting and profiting at the expense of others hard earned reputation. Tearing down the real leaders or anyone who threatens their power and false narrative. They exploit the fact the defamation of another being prosecutable is a total sham! It’s absolutely lawlessness!

    The internet laws have made it near impossible. Out of reach for people who cannot afford the high cost of protracted litigation or find a judge willing to deal with it. Why it is you can’t find attorneys in some states even willing to entertain taking on a lawsuit of defamation.
    Most judges want nothing to do with these cases because Facebook and other platforms own all the content that is put up on their pages. That technicality insulates the offenders from prosecution and content providers are exempt from prosecution under the law.
    It’s a catch 22! The public is kept in ignorance about.

    Apparently, the next evolution when lawlessness exists is violence. We already are seeing it in form of cyberbully suicides, depression and manifesting in victims as substance addiction. It’s only a matter of time before a gang of vigilantes start killing the accused-or did it happen already? With cyber deaths allegedly staged to look like suicides? Boasted about in chat room forums.

    We already see livelihoods destroyed by people snatching up website domain names of their competitors by forming bogus LLCs in name of the sites or arts and then getting host companies to take their competitors websites down. This used to be a community professing and standing for earning and honoring rank by the practice of humility and respect for others and self.
    It is anything but that now thanks to the rabid commercialism of martial arts. And vigilante groups in control of the narrative. Especially, on open source websites like Wikipedia. UNQUOTE.


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